//////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Geometric optimization of a cantilever // // (compliance minimization) // // // // Ecole Polytechnique, MAP 562 // // Copyright G. Allaire, O. Pantz, 2004 // // // // Modified by T. Wick, Feb. 08, 2017 // // MAP 562, Winter 2016/2017 // //////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////// // This example demonstrates the // basic algorithm and results presented // in chapter6.pdf on pages 71 - 81 ///////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////// // Parameters ///////////////////////////////////////// ofstream compli("cantilever.obj") ; ofstream grad("cantilever.grad") ; string save="cantilever"; // Prefix of all backup files int niter=20; // Number of iterations real errelas=0.05; // Threshold or error level for mesh adaptation real pasinit=1.; // Initial descent step real pasef; // Effective descent step real muv; // Lagrange multiplier associated to the volume constraint real pasmu=2; // Refreshing step for the Lagrange multiplier int nsaved=0; // Initialization of the backup index real compliance; // Compliance real volume0; // Initial volume real volume; // Volume of the deformed shape string caption; // Caption for the graphics real norm; // Gradient norm real product; // Scalar product between the current gradient and the previous one bool back=false; // Control parameter in case of stepping back real E=15; // Young modulus real nu=0.35; // Poisson coefficient (between -1 et 1/2) real pi=4*atan(1) ; func g1=0; // Applied forces func g2=-1; ////////////////////////////////////////// // Computation of the Lame coefficients // ////////////////////////////////////////// real lambda=E*nu/((1.+nu)*(1.-2.*nu)); real mu=E/(2.*(1.+nu)); //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function defining the region to optimize // // (=1 on the optimizable boundary, =0 elsewhere) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////// func cut=1-(x>8.5)*(abs(y)<1.5)-(x<0.5)*(y>1.5)*(y<4.5)-(x<0.5)*(y<-1.5)*(y>-4.5); // definition of the free boundary to optimize func real d1(real & tt) { return 9.0*tt;; }; func real d2(real & tt) {return -4.+3.*tt;}; func real b1(real & tt) {real r=1.-tt; return d1(r); }; func real b2(real & tt) {real r=1.-tt; return -d2(r);}; /////////////////////// 1:Dirichlet boundary condition // Domain definition // 2:Neumann or free boundary condition /////////////////////// 3:Non-homogeneous Neumann or applied load mesh Sh; border a(t=-1,1) { x=9; y=t;label=3; }; // right border of the shape border c1(t=4,2) { x=0; y=t;label=1; }; // left border of the shape border c2(t=2,-2) { x=0; y=t;label=2; }; border c3(t=2,4) { x=0; y=-t;label=1; }; border b(t=0,1) { x=b1(t); y=b2(t);label=2; };// top boundary of the shape border d(t=0,1) { x=d1(t); y=d2(t);label=2; };// bottom boundary of the shape real ray=0.5 ; border z1(t=0,2*pi) {x=7.5+ray*cos(t);y=0.+ray*sin(t);label=2;}; border z2(t=0,2*pi) {x=6.+ray*cos(t);y=0.8+ray*sin(t);label=2;}; border z3(t=0,2*pi) {x=6.+ray*cos(t);y=-0.8+ray*sin(t);label=2;}; border z4(t=0,2*pi) {x=4.5+ray*cos(t);y=0.+ray*sin(t);label=2;}; border z5(t=0,2*pi) {x=3.+ray*cos(t);y=-1.+ray*sin(t);label=2;}; border z6(t=0,2*pi) {x=3.+ray*cos(t);y=1.+ray*sin(t);label=2;}; border z7(t=0,2*pi) {x=1.5+ray*cos(t);y=0.+ray*sin(t);label=2;}; //////////////////////////////////////// // Building two meshes // // (Sh = fine mesh, Th = coarse mesh) // // // To avoid possible oscillations of // the boundary, due to numerical // instabilities, we use two meshes: // a fine one Sh to precisely // evaluate u and p, // a coarse one Th which is moved //////////////////////////////////////// // Various initial configurations \Omega_0 //Sh= buildmesh (b(30)+c3(10)+c2(20)+c1(10)+d(30)+a(20)+z1(-10)+z2(-10)+z3(-10)+z4(-10)+z5(-10)+z6(-10)); Sh= buildmesh (b(30)+c3(10)+c2(10)+c1(10)+d(30)+a(20)+z1(-10)+z2(-10)+z3(-10)+z4(-10)+z5(-10)+z6(-10)+z7(-10)); //Sh= buildmesh (b(30)+c3(10)+c2(10)+c1(10)+d(30)+a(20)+z1(-10)+z2(-10)+z3(-10)+z4(-10)); //Sh= buildmesh (b(30)+c3(10)+c2(10)+c1(10)+d(30)+a(20)); mesh Th=Sh; ///////////////////////////////////////////// // Definition of the finite element spaces // ///////////////////////////////////////////// fespace Vh1(Sh,P1); fespace Vh2(Sh,[P2,P2]); fespace Wh2(Th,[P2,P2]); Vh2 [u,v],[w,s],[eu,ev]; Vh1 gradient, energ; Wh2 [ui,vi],[eui,evi],[ui2,vi2],[eui2,evi2]; /////////////////////// // Elasticity system // // (state equation) // /////////////////////// problem elasticity([u,v],[w,s]) = int2d(Sh)( 2.*mu*(dx(u)*dx(w)+dy(v)*dy(s)+((dx(v)+dy(u))*(dx(s)+dy(w)))/2.) +lambda*(dx(u)+dy(v))*(dx(w)+dy(s)) ) -int1d(Sh,3)(g1*w+g2*s) +on(1,u=0,v=0) ; ////////////////////////////////////////////// // Extending the shape gradient // // (inside the shape) // // shape gradient = theta // // extension = displacement field extension // ////////////////////////////////////////////// // Chapter 6, p. 78 // Using an harmonic extension problem extension([eu,ev],[w,s]) = int2d(Sh)( dx(eu)*dx(w)+dy(eu)*dy(w)+dx(ev)*dx(s)+dy(ev)*dy(s)+eu*w+ev*s ) -int1d(Sh,2) ((w*N.x+s*N.y)*(2*mu*(dx(u)^2+dy(v)^2+((dx(v)+dy(u))^2)/2.) +lambda*(dx(u)+dy(v))^2 - muv)*cut) +on(1,3,eu=0,ev=0) ; /////////////////////////////////////// // Computation of the initial volume // // (which will be the target volume) // /////////////////////////////////////// volume0=int1d(Sh)(x*N.x+y*N.y)/2; cout <<"Initial volume = "<0), then we increase the descent step. If not (product<0), we step // back and we decrease the descent step (thus avoiding oscillations). if ((product<0)&(!back)) {pasef=pasef*norm/(norm-product)/4.; cout<<"******* Descent step too large: step back !!! *******"<0)&(product<(norm/2.))) {pasef=pasef*2*norm/(2*norm-product); cout<<"We increase the descent step"<(norm/2.)) {pasef=pasef*4./3.; cout<<"We increase the descent step"< (aa=checkmovemesh(Th,[x+pasef*eui,y+pasef*evi])) ) { cout << "******* Problem of inverted triangle: the descent step is reduced, " << minaire << " > " << aa<<" *******"<< endl; pasef= pasef/2; } Th = movemesh (Th,[x+pasef*eui,y+pasef*evi]); cout<<"Effective descent step = "<