LastWave Package Kernel 2.0 Author Description Examples



The kernel package is the core of LastWave. It mainly includes


For examples about LastWave Graphic features you should look at the examples in the numerical packages and read the LastWave documentation

Basics   Strings
  The command line     Basic manipulation
  The [...] syntax     Extraction (Get)
        Extraction (Set)
        Wild cards
Listv (list of values)   Arrays
  Basic manipulation     Basic manipulation
  Extraction (Set/Get)     Indirect access using the syntax
        Extraction (Set)
        Wild cards
The foreach loop   Commands
        Defining new commands
        Optional arguments
        Type of arguments
        Variable number of arguments
        Anonymous commands


Basics: The command line
Syntaxically a command line is just a list of words, the first word being the command name and the other words the arguments. Each word is separated using either the space character, the new line character or the carriage return character. Moreover no word separation occurs within {...} (block separation) , (...) (expression grouping), '...' (used for strings), "..." (same as '...') , `...` (see manual) and [...]
Thus for instance the command setv can be used to set a variable. The first argument is the name of the variable and the second one the value it should be set to, e.g.,
a> setv x 2
= 2
a> setv s"hello"
= "hello"
The print command lets you print a variable
a> print x
x= 2
a> print s

Actually, you can directly type in an expression instead of a command line LastWave returns its evaluation, e.g.,
a> x
= 2
a> x+10
= 12
a> s
= "hello"
a> s+" "+s
="hello hello"

Moerover the = syntax can be used instead of the setv command, e.g.,
a> x=3
= 3
a> x*=2
= 6
a> x
= 6
a> s="hello"
= "hello"
a> s*=2
= "hellohello"

Some commands have actions associated to them. Their behavior depends on the action, e.g., (conversion string to/from ascii codes)
a> str 2ascii "hello"
= {104 101 108 108 111}
a> str ascii2 {104 101 108 108 111}
= "hello"

Basics: The [...] syntax
If the argument a command must be evaluated and if this argument is surrounded by brackets, whatever is between brackets is considered as a command line which is evaluated. The resut of this evaluation is the value of the argument. Thus
a> l = [str 2ascii "hello"]
= {104 101 108 108 111}
a> h = [str ascii2 l]*2
= "hellohello"
a> h
= "hellohello"


Strings: Basic manipulation
a> x = "this is"
= 'this is'
a> type(x)
= '&string'
a> x.length
= 7
a> x+' a concatenation'
= 'this is a concatenation'
a> x*3
= 'this isthis isthis is'
a> (x*2 == x+x)
= 1
a> x
= 'this is'
a> x+=' what'
= 'this is what'
a> x
= 'this is what'

Strings: Extraction (Get)
a> s='abcdef'
= 'abcdef'
a> s[1,3,5]
= 'bdf'
a> s[1:2:5]
= 'bdf'
a> s[5:-1:0]
= 'fedcba'
a> s[1:2:]
= 'bdf'
a> s[:-1:]
= 'fedcba'
a> s[1:3,0,0,1:2:]
= 'bcdaabdf'

You can use periodic border effects (there are many more!)
a> s[*bper,-1:10]
= 'fabcdefabcde'

Between the [] you can put signals or listvs made of integers. Thus, for instance, if you want to randomly choose 10 characters from that string (allowing repetitions) you can do
a> s[int(Urand(10)*s.length)]
= 'cefcabfdef'

Strings: Extraction (Set)
a> s = 'hello'
= 'hello'
a> s[1,2] = 'ELL'
** Error : String lengths do not match
--> s[1,2] = 'ELL'
a> s[1,2] = 'EL'
= 'hELlo'
a> s = 'hello'
= 'hello'

Using a listv on the right handside lets you set block of characters
a> s[3:4] = {'p'}
= 'help'
a> s[0,3:4] = {'la b' 'la donna'}
= 'la bella donna'
To erase the first word, you could simply do
a> s[0:2] = {''}
= 'bella donna'

Strings: Wild cards
a> l = 'hello hello baby'
= 'hello hello baby'

Looking for b or e characters
a> str match l '[be]'
= {1 7 12 14}

Replacing them by the X character (the := is necessary whenever the size of the two handsides do not match)
a> l[[str match l '[be]']] := 'X'
= 'hXllo hXllo XaXy'
a> l = 'hello hello baby'
= 'hello hello baby'

Looking for a b character that follows an a (the |...| syntax specify what the returned ranges should correspond to)
a> l[[str match l 'a|b|']] := 'B'
= 'hello hello baBy'

There are many other wild cards... you should read the documentation.

Listvs: Basic manipulation
a> {'a listv' 'made' 'of' 4 'elements'}
= {'a listv' 'made' 'of' 4 'elements'}
a> type({1 're'})
= '&listv'
a> {}
= {}
a> l = {'like' {'this' 'listv'} <1,2>}
= {'like' {length=2} <1,2>}
a> type(l[0])
= '&string'
a> type(l[1])
= '&listv'
a> type(l[2])
= '&signali'
a> x={'a' 1}
= {'a' 1}
a> x+='b'+2
= {'a' 1 'b' 2}
a> x+='c'+3
= {'a' 1 'b' 2 'c' 3}
a> x*=2
= {'a' 1 'b' 2 'c' 3 'a' 1 'b' 2 'c' 3}
a> x={'a' 1}
= {'a' 1}
a> x+x
= {'a' 1 'a' 1}
a> x+{x}
= {'a' 1 {'a' 1}}
a> l = {'a' 1}
= {'a' 1}
a> l.length
= 2
a> l.length=7
= 7
a> l
= {'a' 1 0 0 0 0 0}

Listvs: Extraction (set/get)
a> l = {'a' 1}
= {'a' 1}
a> l[0]
= 'a'
a> l[0] = 12
= 12
a> l
= {12 1}
a> l = {'a' 1 {1 2}}
= {'a' 1 {1 2}}
a> {e f g}=l
= {'a' 1 {1 2}}
a> e
= 'a'
a> f
= 1
a> g
= {1 2}

Arrays: Basic manipulation
LastWave lets you manipulate arrays of values indexed by strings.
a> tab.1='one'
= 'one'
a> tab.2='two'
= 'two'
a> tab.3='three'
= 'three'
= 6
a> tab.subarray.list={1 2 3}
= {1 2 3}

To print in a "nice" way arrays or listv you can use the nice command
a> nice tab
-> 1 : 'one'
-> 2 : 'two'
-> 3 : 'three'
-> subarray :
....... -> list :
.............. -> 0 : 1
..............-> 1 : 2
..............-> 2 : 3
-> total : 6

Arrays: Indirect access using the syntax
The syntax lets you make string substitution before the expression is executed. You can use it to perform indirect access on arrays:
a> tab.1='one'
= 'one'
a> tab.2='two'
= 'two'
a> tab.3='three'
= 'three'
a> index=3
= 3
a> tab.index
a> tab.index=4
a> tab.index

The foreach loop
The foreach command lets you loop on various objects such as listv, ranges or signals. Here are some examples
a> l = {}
= {}
a> foreach i 1:10 {l+=i}
a> l
= {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10}
a> l = {}
= {}
a> foreach r Grand(10) {
--> l+=r
--> }
a> l
= {0.067469 -0.0630144 0.356936 1.45415 -0.320958 0.804815 -0.739786 -2.00512 -1.39016 -0.69139}
a> p = 1
= 1
a> s=0
= 0
a> foreach e l {
--> p*=e
--> s+=e
--> }
a> p
= 0.000812681
a> s
= -2.52705

Commands: Defining new commands
setproc my {n} {
return n+1
a> my 10
= 11
You can specify the usage and a one line help (that will be used by the interactivel help system)
setproc my {n} "{{{<n>} {Returns <n>+1}}}" {
return n+1

Commands: Optional arguments
setproc my {i {n 1}} {
return i+n
a> my 10
= 11
a> my 10 2
= 12
a> my 'ab' 'cd'
= 'abcd'

Commands: Type of arguments
setproc my {{&num i} {&num n 1}} {
return i+n
a> my 'ab' 'cd'
** Error : Bad type '&num' for argument ''ab''
The &word type allows not to evaluate the argument. This can be used to specify actions associated to commands, e.g.,
setproc my {{&word action} i} {
if (action=='str') {
if ([val type i]=='&string') {return i+'1'}
errorf 'Bad type %s for second argument' [val type i]
if (action=='num') {
if ([val type i]=='&num') {return i+1}
errorf 'Bad type %s for second argument' [val type i]
errorf 'unknown action %s' action

Commands: Variable number of arguments
The .l argument corresponds to a listv made of all the remaining arguments
setproc my {arg1 .l} {
printf 'arg1=%V, l=%V\n' arg1 l
a> my 1 2
arg1=1, l={2}
a> my 1 2 'e'
arg1=1, l={2 'e'}
a> my 1
arg1=1, l={}

Commands: Anonymous commands
Regular command
a> setproc my{} {return 1}
= %my
a> type(%my)
= '&proc'
the string '\texttt{&proc}'.
Anonymous command
a> c = %{n m}`return n+m`
= %<0x23740c40>
a> apply args c 1 10
= 11
a> apply listv c {1 10}
= 11
a> listv sort {1 2 7 26 3 5 42 7 1} %{e1 e2}`return e1%2-e2%2`
= {1 7 1 3 5 7 42 26 2}
setproc generate {{&int n}} {
return %{x}`return x*\n`
a> c = [generate 3]
= %<0x2380d0a8>
a> apply args c 9
= 27
a> apply args c 'e'
= 'eee'