Paper, Students/PostDocs/Engineers, Softwares, Contracts/Partnerships, Diploma, Media, Book,

For some of the papers, you can read the abstract and/or download an electronic version.


  • Probabilistic Prediction of Arrivals and Hospitalizations in Emergency Departments in Ile-de-France.
    H.Susmann, A.Chambaz, J.Josse, M.Wargon, E.Bacry.
    Submitted to International Journal of Medical Informatics (2024)

  • EEG-Free sleep micro-arousal identification.
    S.Boudabous, J.Millet, E.Bacry.
    Preprint (2024)

  • Validation of a new, minimally-invasive, software smartphone device to predict sleep apnea and its severity.
    J.Frija, J.Millet, G.Cathelain, E.B\'equignon, A.Covali, J.Houenou, H.Benzaquen, P.A.Geoffroy, M.Grajoszex, M.P. díOrtho, E.Bacry.
    Preprint (2024)

  • The self-exciting nature of the bid-ask spread dynamics.
    R.Ruan, E.Bacry, J.F.Muzy.
    Market Microstructure and Liquidity (2024)

  • Sharing sensitive data in life sciences: An overview of centralised and federated approaches.
    M.A.Rujano1, J.W.Boiten, C.Ohmann, S.Canham, S.Contrino, R.David, J.Ewbank, CFilippone, C.Connellan, I.Custers, R. van Nuland, M.Th.Mayrhofer, P.Holub, E.García Álvarez, E.Bacry, N.Hughes, M.A.Freeberg, B.Schaffhauser, H.Wagener, A.Sánchez-Pla, G.Bertolini, M.Panagiotopoulou.
    Preprint (2023)

  • Liquidity takers behavior representation through a contrastive learning approach.
    R.Ruan, E.Bacry, J.F.Muzy.
    Preprint (2023)

  • A single queue-reactive Hawkes model for the order flow.
    P.Wu, J.F.Muzy, M.Rambaldi, E.Bacry.
    Market Microstructure and Liquidity (2023)

  • The first data challenge of the french society of pathology: An international competition in 2020, a research tool in A.I. for the future?
    A.Delaune, S.Valmary-Degano, N.Loménie, K.Zryouil, N.Benyahia, O.Trassard, V.Eraville, C.Bergeron, M.Devouassoux-Shisheboran, C.Glaser, G.Bataillon, E.Bacry, S.Combes, S.Prevot, P.Bertheau
    Annals of Patholology, 42(2):119-128 (2022)

  • From Rough to Multifractal volatility: the log S-fBM model. (Arxiv link)
    P.Wu, E.Bacry, J.Muzy
    Preprint (2021)

  • About contrastive unsupervised representation learning for classification and its convergence. .
    I.Merad, Y.Yu, E.Bacry, S.Ga\"iffas
    Preprint (2021)

  • Predicting the Solar Potential of Rooftops using Image Segmentation and Structured Data. .
    D.Soares, F.Andrieux, B.Hell, J.Lenhardt, J.Badosa, S.Gavoille, S.Ga\"iffas, E.Bacry
    Neurips (2020)

  • Sparse and low-rank multivariate Hawkes processes. . (abstract and/or ftp)
    E.Bacry, M.Bompaire, S.Gaïffas, J.-F.Muzy
    Journal of Machine Learning Research, vol. 21 (2020)

  • Screening anxiolytics, hypnotics, antidepressants and neuroleptics for bone fracture risk among elderly: a nation-wide dynamic multivariate self-control study using the SNDS claims database. (Arxiv link)
    M.Morel, B.Bouyer, A.Guilloux, M.Laanani, F.Leroy, D.P.Nguyen, Y.Sebiat, E.Bacry, S.Gaiffas
    Submitted to Drugs Safety (2020)

  • ZiMM: a deep learning model for long term adverse events with non-clinical claims data. (Arxiv link)
    E.Bacry, S.Gaïffas, A.Kabeshova, Y.Yu
    Machine Learning for Health (ML4H) at NeurIPS (2019)Extended Abstract
    Journal of Biomedical Informatics or Journal of Biomedical Informatics-X (2020)

  • SCALPEL3: a scalable open-source library for healthcare claims databases. (Arxiv link)
    E.Bacry, S.Gaïffas, F.Leroy, M.Morel, D.P.Nguyen, Y.Sebiat, D.Sun
    International Journal of Medical Informatics, Vol. 141 (2020)

  • Self-exclusion in online poker gamblers: effect on time and money as compared to matched controls.
    A.Luquiens, A.Dugravot, H.Panjo, A.Benyamina, S.Gaiffas, E.Bacry
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (2019)

  • ConvSCCS: convolutional self-controlled case-seris model for lagged adverser event detection. (Arxiv link)
    M.Morel, E.Bacry, S.Gaiffas, A.Guilloux, F.Leroy
    Biostatistics, kxz003, (2019)

  • Dual Optimization for convex constrained objectives without the gradient-Lipschitz assumptions. (Arxiv link)
    M.Bombaire, S.Gaiffas, E.Bacry
    Submitted to Journal of Machine Learning Research (2018)

  • Disentangling and quantifying market participant volatility contributions. (Arxiv link)
    M.Rambaldi, E.Bacry, J.F.Muzy
    Quantitative Finance, 19:10, 1613-1625 (2018)

  • Dual Optimization for convex constrained objectives without the gradient-Lipschitz assumptions.
    M.Bombaire, S.Ga\"iffas, E.Bacry
    submitted to JMLR (2018)

  • Description and assessment of trustability of motives for self-exclusion reported by online poker gamblers in a cohort using account-based gambling data
    A.Luquiens, D.Vendryes, H.-J.Aubin, A.Benyamina, S.Gaiffas, E.Bacry
    BMJ Open 22;8(12) (2018)>
  • Machine learning et big data en santé : le partenariat entre la Caisse Nationale d'Assurance Maladie et l'Ecole Polytechnique (Arxiv link)
    E.Bacry, S.Gaiffas
    in "Livre IA et santé : présent et futur", Académie Nationale de Médecine (2018)

  • Analysis of order book flows using a nonparametric estimation of the branching ratio matrix. (Arxiv link)
    M.Achab, E.Bacry, J.-F.Muzy, M.Rambaldi
    Quantitative Finance, Volume 18, Issue 2 (2018)

  • tick: a Python library for statistical learning, with a particular emphasis on time-dependent modeling. (Arxiv link)
    M.Achab, E.Bacry, M.Bompaire, S.Gaiffas, S.Poulsen
    Journal of Machine Learning Research (2017)

  • Uncovering Causality from Multivariate Hawkes Integrated Cumulants.
    M.Achab, E.Bacry, S.Gaïffas, I.Mastromatteo, J.-F.Muzy
    ICML and Journal of Machine Learning (2017)

  • Concentration for matrix martingales in continuous time and microscopic activity of social networks. (Arxiv link)
    E.Bacry, S.Gaïffas, J.-F.Muzy
    Probability Theory and Related Fields (2017)

  • SGD with Variance Reduction beyond Empirical Risk Minimization (Arxiv link)
    M.Achab, A.Guilloux, S.Gaiffas, E.Bacry
    International Conference of Monte Carlo Methods and Applications (2017)

  • The role of volume in order book dynamics: a multivariate Hawkes process analysis (Arxiv link)
    M. Rambaldi, E.Bacry, F.Lillo,
    Quantitative Finance Vol. 17, Issue 7 (2017)

  • Mean-field inference of Hawkes point processes (Arxiv link)
    E.Bacry, S.Gaïffas, I.Mastromatteo, J.-F.Muzy,
    Journ. of Phys. A, Volume 49, Number 17, 2016

  • Estimation of slowly decreasing Hawkes kernels: Application to high frequency order book modelling. (abstract and/or ftp)
    E.Bacry, T.Jaisson, J.-F.Muzy
    Quantitative Finance Vol. 16 , Iss. 8 (2016)

  • Second order statistics characterization of Hawkes processes and non-parametric estimation. (abstract and/or ftp)
    E. Bacry, J.F. Muzy
    Trans. in Inf. Theory, Vol.2 Iss. 4 (2016)

  • Hawkes processes in finance. (abstract and/or ftp)
    E.Bacry, I.Mastromatteo, J.-F.Muzy
    Market Microstructure and Liquidity Vol. 01, No. 01, 1550005 (2015).

  • Linear processes in high-dimension: phase space and critical properties. (abstract and/or ftp)
    I.Mastromatteo, E.Bacry, J.-F.Muzy
    Physical Review E (Vol.91, No.4), 2015

  • Market impacts and the life cycle of investors orders. (abstract and/or ftp)
    E. Bacry, A.Iuga, M.Lasnier, C-A.Lehalle
    Market Microstructure and Liquidity Vol. 1, No. 2 (2015)

  • Intermittent process analysis with scattering moments. (abstract and/or ftp)
    J. Bruna , S. Mallat, E. Bacry, J.F. Muzy
    Annals of Statistics, Vol. 43, No. 1, 323-351 (2015).

  • Hawkes Model for price and trades high-frequency dynamics. (abstract and/or ftp)
    E. Bacry , J.F. Muzy
    Quantitative Finance, Vol. 14, Issue 7 (2014)

  • Random cascade models in the limit of infinite integral scale as the exponential of a non stationary 1/f noise. Application to volatility fluctuations in stick markets . (abstract and/or ftp)
    J.F. Muzy, R. Baïle, E. Bacry
    Phys. Rev. E, Vol. 87, No. 4 (2013)

  • Scaling limits for Hawkes processes and application to financial statistics . (abstract
    E. Bacry, S. Delattre, M. Hoffmann, J.F. Muzy
    Stochastic Processes and Applications, Volume 123, Issue 7, pp 2475-2499 (2013)

  • Modelling microstructure noise with mutually exciting point processes. (abstract and/or ftp)
    E. Bacry, S. Delattre, M. Hoffmann, J.F. Muzy
    Quantitative finance, Volume 13, Issue 1, January 2013, pages 65-77

  • Log-Normal continuous cascades: aggregation properties and estimation. Application to financial time-series. (abstract and/or ftp)
    E.Bacry, A.Kozhemyak, J.F.Muzy
    Quantitative finance, Volume 13, Issue 5, pp 795-818 (2013)

  • Non-parametric kernel estimation for symmetric Hawkes processes. Application to high frequency financial data. (abstract and/or ftp)
    K. Al Dayri, E. Bacry, J.F.Muzy
    Eur. Phys. J. B, 85: 157 (2012).

  • Continuous-time skewed multifractal processes as a model for financial returns. (abstract and/or ftp)
    E.Bacry, L.Duvernet, J.F.Muzy
    Journal of Applied Probability Volume 49, Number 2 (2012), 482-502.

  • Modelling microstructure noise with Hawkes processes. (abstract and/or ftp)
    E. Bacry, S. Delattre, M. Hoffmann, J.F. Muzy
    "Signal Processing Methods in Finance Applications", ICASSP (2011).

  • The nature of price returns during periods of high market activity. (abstract and/or ftp)
    K. Al Dayri, E. Bacry, J.F.Muzy
    Proceedings of Econophys-Kolkata V (Kolkata, India, 2010).

  • Multifractal models for asset prices. (abstract and/or ftp)
    E.Bacry, J.F.Muzy
    Encyclopedia of quantitative finance, Wiley (2010).

  • Multifractal analysis in a mixed asymptotic framework . (abstract and/or ftp)
    E.Bacry, A.Gloter, M.Hoffmann, J.F.Muzy
    Annals of Applied Proba Volume 20, Number 5, 1729-1760 (2010).
  • Uncovering latent singularities from multifractal scaling laws in mixed asymptotic regime. Application to turbulence (abstract and/or ftp)
    J.F.Muzy, E.Bacry, R.Baile, P.Poggi
    Published in Euro. Physics Letter (2008)

  • Long time behavior for the partition function (abstract and/or ftp)
    E.Bacry, A.Gloter, M.Hoffmann, J.F.Muzy
    Proceedings of IWAP08 (International Workshop on Applied Probability, Compiègne, France, July 2008).

  • Continuous cascade models for asset returns (abstract and/or ftp)
    E.Bacry, A. Kozhemyak, J.F. Muzy
    Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Volume 32, Issue 1, January, 156-199 (2008).

  • Audio denoising by Time-Frequency Block Thresholding (abstract and/or ftp)
    G.Yu, S.Mallat, E.Bacry
    IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, 56 (5), 1830-1839 (2008)

  • Audio signal denoising with complex wavelets and adaptive block attenuation (abstract and/or ftp)
    G.Yu, E.Bacry, S.Mallat
    Accepted for oral presentation at ICASSP (2007, Hawai)

  • Are asset return tail estimations related to volatility long-range correlations ? (abstract and/or ftp)
    E.Bacry, A. Kozhemyak, J.F. Muzy
    Proc. Econophysics Colloquium (Canberra, Australie, November 2005)
    Published in Physica A (2006).

  • Extreme values and fat tails of multifractal fluctuations (abstract and/or ftp)
    J.F. Muzy, E. Bacry, A. Kozhemyak
    Phys. Rev. E 73, 066114 (2006).

  • Log-infinitely divisible multifractal processes (abstract and/or ftp)
    E. Bacry, J.F. Muzy
    Commun. Math. Phys. 236, 449-475 (2003)

  • Harmonic decomposition of audio signals with matching pursuit (abstract and/or ftp)
    R. Gribonval , E. Bacry
    IEEE, Trans. in Sig. Proc. 51, 1, pp. 101-111 (2003)

  • Multifractal stationary random measures and multifractal random walks with log-infinitely divisible scaling laws (2002) (abstract and/or ftp)
    J.F. Muzy, E. Bacry
    Phys. Rev. E 66 (2002).

  • Wavelets based estimators of scaling behavior (abstract and/or ftp)
    B. Audit, E. Bacry, J.F. Muzy, A. Arneodo,
    IEEE, Trans. in Information Theory 48, 11 pp 2938-2954 (2002).

  • Multifractal Random Walks. (abstract and/or ftp)
    E. Bacry, J.F. Muzy, J. Delour,
    Phys. Rev. E 64, 026103-026106 (2001).

  • Modelling fluctuations of financial time series: from cascade process to stochastic volatility model. (abstract and/or ftp)
    J.F. Muzy, J. Delour, E. Bacry.
    Euro. Phys. Journal B 17, pp 537-548 (2000)

  • What can we learn with wavelets about DNA sequences ?
    A. Arneodo, Y. d'Aubenton-Carafa, B. Audit, E. Bacry, J.F. Muzy and C. Thermes, Physica A, 249, p 439 (1998).

  • A thermodynamics of fractals signals based on wavelet analysis: application to fully developed turbulence data and DNA sequences.
    A. Arneodo, B. Audit, E. Bacry, S. Manneville, J.F. Muzy et S.G. Roux,
    Notes : Published in Physica A (1998).

  • Random cascades on wavelet dyadic trees.
    A. Arneodo, E. Bacry and J.F. Muzy, Journal of Mathematical Physics, vol. 39, (1998).

  • Analysis of random wavelet cascades using space-scale correlation functions.
    A. Arneodo, E. Bacry, S. Maneville and J.F. Muzy. Phys. Rev. Lett., p.708, Vol 80, no 4, (1998).

  • Nucleotide composition effects on the long range correlation in DNA sequences.
    A. Arneodo, Y. d'Aubenton-Carafa, B. Audit, E. Bacry, J.F. Muzy., and C. Thermes, Euro. Phys. J. vol.~B1, p129 (1998).

  • Oscillating singularities on Cantor sets. A grand canonical multifractal formalism. (abstract and/or ftp)
    A. Arneodo, E. Bacry, S. Jaffard and J.F. Muzy, J. Stat. Phys., Vol. 87 1/2, p. 179-209 (1997).

  • Singularity spectrum of multifractal functions involving oscillatying singularities. (abstract and/or ftp)
    A. Arneodo, E. Bacry, S. Jaffard and J.F. Muzy, Journal of Fourier analysis and applications (1997).

  • Wavelet based fractal analysis of DNA sequences.
    A. Arneodo, Y. d'Aubenton-Carafa, E. Bacry, P.V. Graves, J.F. Muzy, C. Thermes, Physica D, vol. 96, p 291 (1996).

  • A wavelet based multifractal formalism: application to the study of DNA sequences. E. Bacry, A. Arneodo, J.F. Muzy and P.V. Graves, J. Tech. Phys., vol.~37, p 281 (1996).

  • Oscillating singularities in locally self-similar functions.
    A. Arneodo, E. Bacry and J.F. Muzy, Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, 4823 (1995).

  • Characterizing long-range correlations in DNA sequences from wavelet analysis.
    A. Arneodo, E. Bacry, P.V. Graves and J.F. Muzy, Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, 3293 (1995).

  • Uncovering a multiplicative process in one-dimensional cuts of diffusion-limited aggregates.
    A. Arneodo, F. Argoul, E. Bacry, J.F. Muzy and M. Tabard, J. of Diff. Eq. and App. 1, 117 (1995).

  • The thermodynamics of fractals revisited with wavelets.
    A. Arneodo, E. Bacry and J.F. Muzy, Physica A 213, 232 (1994).

  • The multifractal formalism revisited with wavelets.
    J.F. Muzy, E. Bacry and A. Arneodo, Int. J. of Bifurcation and Chaos 4, 245 (1994).

  • Beyond classical multifractal analysis using wavelets : uncovering a multiplicative process hidden in the geometrical complexity of diffusion limited aggregates.
    A. Arneodo, F. Argoul, J.F. Muzy, M. Tabard and E. Bacry, Fractals 1, 629 (1993).

  • Solving the inverse fractal problem from wavelet analysis.
    A. Arneodo, E. Bacry and J.F. Muzy, Europhys. Lett. 25, 479 (1993).

  • Multifractal formalism for fractal signals: the structure fonction approach versus the wavelet transform modulus maxima method.
    J.F. Muzy, E. Bacry and A. Arneodo, Phys. Rev. E 47, 875 (1993).

  • Singularity spectrum of fractal signals from wavelet analysis: exact results
    E. Bacry, J.F. Muzy and A. Arneodo, J. Stat. Phys. 70, 635 (1993).

  • A wavelet based space-time adaptive numerical method for partial differential equation
    E. Bacry, S. Mallat and G. Papanicolaou, Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 26, n. 7, p. 793 (1992).

  • Golden mean arithmetic in the fractal branching of diffusion-limited aggregates
    A. Arneodo, F. Argoul, E. Bacry, J.F. Muzy and M. Tabard, Phys. Rev. Lett. 68, 3456 (1992).

  • Wavelets and multifractal formalism for singular signals : application to turbulence data
    J.F. Muzy, E. Bacry and A. Arneodo, Phys. Rev. Lett. 67, 3515 (1991).




    Book and Others

    Phd Thesis and Habilitation



  • The Tick open-source library

  • The SCALPEL3 open source libraries : SCALPEL-Flattening SCALPEL-Extraction , SCALPEL-Analysis

  • Contracts/Partnerships

    (not exhaustive)