Implementation of the max plus algebra in SCILAB

Michael Mc Gettrick, Centre Automatique et Systèmes, École des Mines de Paris

We present ongoing work on adding functionality to SCILAB to enable calculations in idempotent semirings (``dioids''). To date the dioids in question are the closely related (indeed isomorphic) (max,+) and (min,+) dioids.

While each object in SCILAB has a certain type (e.g. matrix, polynomial, list,...), we now have the concept that each type can be in a number of different ``algebras'', such as (``normal'', max+, min+,...). In our implementation, we use the same symbols (+, *, /,...) in each ``algebra'', and their meaning comes from the type of the objects they operate on: thus 2+3 = 5 or 3, depending on whether 2 and 3 have the type of normal algebra or of (max,+), respectively.

Other aspects of this additional functionality include

We will also present some preliminary work on practical use of this software in modelling a large rail network.

Mon Nov 17 12:27:58 MET 1997