Welcome to LastWave's Home Page

The signal processing command language

© 1998-2002 Copyright Emmanuel Bacry . All Rights Reserved.

This page was last updated on 20 June 2002



!!! LASTWAVE 2 . 0 !!!


kernel has been totally rewritten
highly improved script language (much faster)
very powerful matlab-like syntax
partly object oriented

Emmanuel Bacry.
Centre de Mathematiques Appliquees
Ecole Polytechnique 91128 Palaiseau Cedex - France


Contributors to numerical packages :

B.Audit, N.Decoster, J.F.Muzy, C.Vaillant
Centre de Recherche Paul Pascal,
Avenue Schweitzer, 33600 Pessac France

J.Abadia, J.Fraleu, R.Gribonval, J.Kalifa, E. LePennec, S.Mallat
Centre de Mathematiques Appliquees,
Ecole polytechnique, 91128 Palaiseau Cedex, France

Math Department, Dartmouth College,
Hanover, NH 03755, US

Institute of Information Science,
Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.

Civil Engineering and Operations Research,
Princeton University, E220 Engineering Quadrangle Princeton NJ 08544

Last but not Least

I am a researcher in Applied Mathematics and I was never satisfied by the signal processing softwares that are available. Too expensive, too hard to use, too many bugs or ... whatever ! I have decided in 1997 to write a brand new software for signal processing. A software that is free (GNU License), runs on different computers and in which it is very easy to include one's own code.

So I did it (mainly during my week ends and evenings...), it's called LastWave and this is the 1.7 release. The 2.0 will arrive soon (if you want to receive an email just register). I hope you will enjoy using it !

You'll see, it is very powerful and very easy to install, to use or to include your own code. Of course I'm interested in any comments (bad or good) that you would like to make about it. Feel free to add some new commands or improve some old ones or even write your own packages (yes, it is very easy !). It will be my pleasure to include them in the next release of LastWave.

I wrote the core of LastWave along with some packages. However, most of the numerical packages were written by some other researchers listed just above.

Please, be kind enough to reference LastWave in any article that you publish for which you used it. Just refer to this web page

Emmanuel Bacry

What is LastWave about ?

LastWave is a signal processing (wavelet oriented) software. It is written in C and runs on both X11/Unix (no Motif or fancy toolkit are necessary just the basic X11 library !) and Macintosh computers.

It has been designed to be used by anybody who knows about signal processing and wants to play around with wavelets and wavelet-like techniques. However, it can be used for many other purposes (just as a regular scripting language for instance).

It mainly consists in a (tcl like) powerful command line language which includes a high level object-oriented graphic language which allows to display both some simple objects (e.g., buttons, strings, text using any font, ...) and some complex objects (signals, images, wavelet transforms, extrema representation, ....). All these graphic objects can be fully controlled (along with the mouse behavior) via the command language. Moreover, LastWave can generate postscript files of anything you draw.
One can very easily add some new commands in LastWave using either the command language itself or the C-language. These new commands along with some eventual newly defined graphic objects can be grouped into a LastWave package that can be loaded (at run-time) by the user if needed.

The core of LastWave (i.e., the kernel package along with the 'terminal', the 'misc' and the 'disp' packages) includes all the basic commands of the command line language along with the graphic object-oriented language. Several other packages have already been added to LastWave allowing high level signal processing such as wavelet transforms (1D and 2D), extrema representations of wavelet transforms (1D and 2D), fractal analysis, matching pursuit, compression...

* Registering for LastWave :

You do not need to Register in order to download LastWave. However, if you register you will receive emails whenever updates or new packages are available. If the registration process does not end with a window telling you 'Thank you, you have successfully registered to LastWave', it means it did not work. In that case, please mail us

* Downloading LastWave 1.7 for Unix/X11 computers (1.2Mo)

* Downloading LastWave 1.7 for Macintosh Computers (2.4Mb)

The above archives DO NOT contain the LastWave Manual (over 250 pages). However it includes demo-files and on-line help. If you want to download the full LastWave documentation you must get one of those files :

* LastWave postscript documentation (gzip compression) (370Kb)

* LastWave pdf documentation (no compression) (756Kb)

* LastWave pdf documentation (gzip compression) (618Kb)

If you already used LastWave 1.0 you can read about the all the updates by downloading the Updates file

If you have any problem, you can email to lastwave@cmap.polytechnique.fr
This is NOT a hot line... However, we will try to answer you as soon as possible.