On the Adaptation of Arbitrary Normal Mutation Distributions in Evolution Strategies: The Generating Set Adaptation Nikolaus Hansen, Andreas Ostermeier and Andreas Gawelczyk ABSTRACT: A new adaptation scheme for adapting arbitrary normal mutation distributions in evolution strategies is introduced. It can adapt correct scaling and correlations between object parameters. Furthermore, it is independent of any rotation of the objective function and reliably adapts mutation distributions corresponding to hyperellipsoids with high axis ratio. In simulations, the generating set adaptation is compared to two other schemes which also can produce non axis-parallel mutation ellipsoids. It turns out to be the only adaptation scheme which is completely independent of the chosen coordinate system. In: Eshelman, L.J. (ed.), Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Genetic Algorithms (ICGA): 57-64, 1995. CORRECTIONS Sec.2, P.58: "However, generating the mutation vector in AI and AIII takes computational time in order of n^3." must be corrected to "However, generating the mutation vector in AI, AII and AIII takes computational time in order of n^3, n and n^2 respectively.". (Remark: This drawback of AI was resolved by the covariance matrix adaptation (CMA) which uses a different representation for the distribution.) Sec.2.5.2, P.61: Use rather $c_r=3/(n+3)$ and $\beta=1/n$.