Performance Evaluation of an Advanced Local Search Evolutionary Algorithm Anne Auger and Nikolaus Hansen One natural question when testing performance of global optimization algorithm is: how performances compare to a restart local search algorithm. One purpose of this paper is to provide results for such comparisons. To this end, the performances of a restart (advanced) local-search strategy, the CMA-ES with small initial step-size, are investigated on the 25 functions of the CEC 2005 real-parameter optimization test suit. The second aim is to clarify the theoretical background of the performance criterion proposed to quantitatively compare the search algorithms. The theoretical analysis allows us to generalize the criterion proposed and to define a new criterion that can be applied more appropriate in a different context. ERRATA: 1) End of Section 3, stopping criterion "noeffectcoord": "Stop if adding 0.2-standard deviation in each coordinate does change ..." should be "Stop if adding 0.2-standard deviation in any coordinate does not change ..." The following has been pointed out by Xiao-Min Hu from the Sun Yat-sen University: 1) On function F4 the initial search point was chosen by mistake as Xup + (Xup-Xlow)*rand instead of Xlow + (Xup-Xlow)*rand for each coordinate. Xiao-Min Hu reported significantly better results when using the corrected initialization. 2) On some function the boundary setting was omitted, but this has most probably no impact on the results.