Limitations of Mutative sigma-Self-Adaptation on Linear Fitness Functions Nikolaus Hansen This paper investigates sigma-self-adaptation for real valued evolutionary algorithms on linear fitness functions. We identify log(sigma) as key quantity to understand strategy behavior. Identifying the bias of mutation, recombination, and selection on log(sigma) is sufficient to explain strategy behavior in many cases, even in a non-linear or noisy environment. On a linear fitness function, if intermediate multi-recombination is applied on the object parameters, the i-th best and the i-th worst individual have the same sigma-distribution. Consequently, the correlation between fitness and step-size is zero. Assuming additionally that sigma-changes due to mutation and recombination are unbiased, and (mu,lambda)-truncation selection, where mu=lambda/2, then sigma-self-adaptation is unable to enlarge the step-size. Experiments show the relevance of the given assumptions. In Evolutionary Computation, 14(3), 2006.