Scilab Function

cma_new - Constructor for CMA-ES, a (stochastic) non-convex function minimizer

Calling Sequence

param = cma_new() // return default parameters
param = cma_new([]) // return default parameters quietly
es = cma_new(param) // return initialized CMA-ES object
[es param] = cma_new(param) // return also actual parameter setting



CMA-ES is a stochastic optimizer for nonlinear nonconvex objective functions. It can make perfectly sense to re-run the optimizer several times. The initial seed is collected in es.out.seed and using rand('seed', es.out.seed) will reproduce the same run.

The verbosity can be controlled using param.verb (see above). Running the code quietly is only recommended after extensive testings. For longer runs, setting verb.plotmodulo=0 and plotting the data from a second Scilab terminal (using function) cma_plot is well worth considering.


   // see demos/runcma.sce

   // get aquired
   p = cma_new();  // return (default) parameters
   disp(p);        // investigate default parameters
   p.readme        // display doc for parameters
   p.stop          // investigate the possible and default termination criteria
   clear p         // we do not need the defaults for initialization

   // initialization
   p.x0 = rand(10,1);  // mandatory: initial solution vector
   p.sigma0 = 0.3;     // mandatory: initial standard deviation on x0 
                       //    (somewhat a search range) 

   es = cma_new(p);  // get an cma "object", constructor call
   fitfun = ...  // objective function needs to be defined

   // iteration loop 
   while ~ cma_stop(es)
     X = cma_ask(es);  // list of solution points (column vectors)
     y = [];            // just in case
     for i = 1:length(X)
       y(i) = fitfun(X(i));    // evaluate each point
     es = cma_tell(es, X, y');  // update for the next iteration

   // output
   [ybest, xbest] = cma_best(es);
   printf(" \n x(1) = %f   y = %f\n", xbest(1), ybest);

   for str = es.out.stopflags
     disp(' ' + str);  // display termination reasons

   disp(es.out); // further investigate some useful output

See Also

cma_ask ,   cma_tell ,   cma_plot ,   cma_optim ,  


Nikolaus Hansen


Hansen, N. (2006). The CMA Evolution Strategy: A Comparing Review. In J.A. Lozano, P. Larranga, I. Inza and E. Bengoetxea (Eds.). Towards a new evolutionary computation. Advances in estimation of distribution algorithms. pp. 75-102, Springer.

Hansen, N. and S. Kern (2004). Evaluating the CMA Evolution Strategy on Multimodal Test Functions. Eighth International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature PPSN VIII, Proceedings, pp. 282-291, Berlin: Springer. (

Hansen, N., S.D. Mueller and P. Koumoutsakos (2003). Reducing the Time Complexity of the Derandomized Evolution Strategy with Covariance Matrix Adaptation (CMA-ES). Evolutionary Computation, 11(1). (

Hansen, N. and A. Ostermeier (2001). Completely Derandomized Self-Adaptation in Evolution Strategies. Evolutionary Computation, 9(2), pp. 159-195. (

Used Function