Welcome to ANR RheoSuNN's webpage

Rheology of dense Suspensions: development and implementation of New Numerical methods, taking close range interactions into account.

RheoSuNN project brings together researchers in the domains of mathematics, numerical analysis, HPC and mechanics, interested in numerical simulations of dense suspensions of rigid particles embedded in a Stokes fluid. The objective is to achieve a challenging numerical rheological study in order to understand the interphase stress contribution to the total fluid stress, for which no result is available (neither experimental, nor theoretical, nor numerical). To do so, we develop new numerical methods to take into account the feedback of lubrication and contacts on the flow and implement them in a HPC code.

The project RheoSuNN is granted by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche for years 2019-2021.

Contact: aline.lefebvre@polytechnique.edu

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