Professor of Applied Mathematics

Ecole Polytechnique



I am Professor at the Applied Math department of École polytechnique where I have been working since September 2013. My lab is the CMAP of École polytechnique. I work on problems involving data in signal processing, statistics and learning with a taste for applications. I am the cohead of the SIMPAS team (Signal IMage numerical ProbAbilities Statistical Learning). I am in charge of many training programs at Polytechnique: Data Science for Business MScT and Data Science continuing education programs Starter Program of Polytechnique Executive Education. I have been involved in the creation of the Datascience track of Institut Polytechnique de Paris and have been in charge of the Applied Math major (PA) and of the Data Science major (PA) for years.

Aften an initial training in Mathematics at ENS Cachan, I’ve done a Signal Processing PhD with Stéphane Mallat at the centre de mathématiques appliquées de l’École polytechnique. The subject of the thesis is the introduction of geometry in image representation. I defended it in 2002. In 2002-2004, I worked as a “post-doc” in a joint-project between the CMAP and Let It Wave, a company created by Stéphane Mallat, Christophe Bernard, Jérôme Kalifa and myself to exploit our research on bandelets. I consulted for the company till its closure in 2012 (even after its acquisition by Zoran and then by CSR). From 2004 to 2010, I was a “Maitre de Conférence” (Assistant Professor) at the university Paris Diderot (Paris 7) in the “laboratoire de Probabilités et Modèles Aléatoires” (Statistics team). From 2010 to 2013, I was a “Chargé de Recherche” (Research Associate) at the project SELECT of Inria Saclay, a project in which I had already worked in 2009-2010. I defended my HdR (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches) entitled in 2013. I was the head of the Polytechnique Data Scientist chair during its whole existence (2014-2019). I was also a member of the Xpop Inria team (2018-2023).

  • Data Science
  • Statistics and Statistical Learning
  • Signal Processing
  • R and Python Data Science stack
  • Entrepreunership
  • HdR, 2013

    Université Paris Sud

  • PhD in Applied Mathematics, 2002

    Ecole Polytechnique

  • Master in Mathematics and Artifical Intelligence, 1997

    ENS Cachan
