Chaire Modélisation Mathématique et Biodiversité

École Polytechnique, Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle
Fondation de l'École Polytechnique
VEOLIA Environnement

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19 Mai 2010, Amphithéâtre de Paléontologie du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle

10h00-10h30 Colin Fontaine (MNHN)
Introduction : interaction networks and interaction types
Elisa Thébault (Wageningen University)
Ecological networks and interaction types: which modelling approaches?
11h15-11h30 Pause

Sonia Kefi (Darmstadt University)
Integrating non-trophic interactions in food webs: state-of-the-art and challenges
Nicolas Loeuille (Paris 6)
Influence of evolution on the stability of ecological communities

Résumés :

  • Nicolas Loeuille :

    In randomly assembled communities, diversity is known to have a destabilizing effect. Evolution may affect this result, but our theoretical knowledge of its role is mostly limited to small food web models. In the present work I introduce evolution in a two-species Lotka-Volterra model in which I vary the interaction type and the cost constraining evolution. Regardless of the cost, evolution tends to stabilize the dynamics more often in trophic interactions than for mutualism or competition. I then use simulations to study the effect of evolution in larger communities that contain all interaction types. Results suggest that evolution usually stabilizes the dynamics. This stabilizing effect is stronger when evolution affects trophic interactions, but happens for all interaction types. Stabilization decreases with diversity so that evolution becomes destabilizing in very diverse communities. This suggests that evolution may not counteract the destabilizing effect of diversity observed in random communities.

Programme des rencontres de la Chaire